Thursday, April 29, 2010

Otters Spotted in the Wild (Terengganu River)

Today I was doing my usual, loading Pelangi's supplies. As I was loading the supplies, from the corner of my eye, I noticed some "rat" looking animal dashed and entered the water... It swam past me, under the water but from a quick glance, it looked like an otter.

At first, I doubt it was an otter, as the otters that I have seen are all on TV and it is always in a river where these little cute rascals are running around in the wild... hmm.... then again this is a river.... a very polluted, but still a river.... hmm...

Anyway, these little rascal look really cute in real life. Sorry, but that is the best quality from my phone camera.


1 comment:

  1. enjoyed pelangi last weekend!^^ greetings from kampar, perak! the mining ponds here have many otters too~
